HKDSE Chemistry
IGCSE Chemistry
IAL Chemistry
GCE Chemistry

Gary Sir

* HKU Chemistry
* HKCEE Chemistry A
* HKALE Chemistry A
* HKDSE Chemistry 5** x 5

DSE Chemistry tutor
IAL Chemistry tutor
GCE Chemistry tutor

Contact gary
60551219 (whatsapp)



DSE Chemistry revision

Topic 1. Planet earth

Topic 2. Microscopic world I

Topic 3. Metals

Topic 4. Acids and bases

Topic 5. Fossil fuels and carbon compounds

Topic 6. Microscopic world II

Topic 7. Redox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysis

Topic 8. Chemical reactions and energy

Topic 9. Rate of reaction

Topic 10. Chemical equilibrium

Topic 11. Chemistry of carbon compounds

Topic 12. Patterns in the chemical world

Topic 13. Industrial chemistry

Topic 14. Material chemistry

Topic 15. Analytical chemistry